IEM Public School




We visualize a school where children are offered a combination of supportive environment, modern teaching methodology and nothing less than parental care. After establishing significant milestones in technical education in eastern India, our group is now focussing on a mission to set new standards in moulding future generation of India. Our deep rooted research in teaching methods, aids and practices backed up with state of he art curriculum, IEM Public School will endeavor to give a nw direction to future citizens. Children need the environment to learn through guidance and adopt to take over changing life and opportunities. The school if completely dedicated to young minds aiming to enrich themselves with knowledge, character and power. India will be looking upto today’s young generation on the path of becoming a super power in near future.Under the umbrella of founding father Prof. Dr. Satyajit Chakrabarti, The Institute of Engineering And Management Group (IEM) was established. Settling in the heart of Salt Lake, IEM provides a beautiful and spacious green environment. Being a part of the IEM Group , IEM Public School provides a caring and friendly environment where every child is valued and nurtured. Each eye is encouraged to see themselves as part of the school community, where academics, technology, co-curricular activities, physical training combined with integrity and respect for other people are given attention to.